
Course content for B2 Italian courses

In this article you will find out which book is covered in the Italian B2 course and which topics are on which page.

Nuovo magari
Italian B2

Chapter 1Geografia Luoghi d'ItaliaKB 4-14AB 4-14The traffic system in Italy, physical and political geography of Italy, monuments and culinary specialties, adverb, the simple and indefinite future tense, the islands and art
Chapter 2Arti Classico e modernoKB 15-22AB 15-22Classical and modern Italian art, museums and art locations in Italy, the simple and the compound conditional
Chapter 3Società Emigrazione ed immigrazioneKB 23-32AB 23-32Italian emigration in cinema, past, direct speech
Chapter 4Storia Il RinascimentoKB 33-40AB 33-40The Renaissance, the world of business, the past, lexical phrases
Chapter 5Società CasaKB 41-53AB 41-53The house in Italy, furnishings, Italian design, lexical groups, collocations with verbs
Chapter 6Arti Arte contemporaneaKB 54-62AB 54-62Provocations of contemporary art, explicit and implicit construction, the split sentence, digits
Chapter 7Società PsicologiaKB 63-73AB 63-73Italians and the psychologist, main and subordinate clauses, subjunctive, politeness requirement, use of certain syntagms
Chapter 8Lingua Maschio - FemminaKB 74-84AB 74-84Italian women and work, sexism in the Italian language, signs, subjunctive II, ways of affirmation through negation, collocations with verbs
Chapter 9Arti Giallo italianoKB 85-96AB 85-96The fate of the giallo genre in Italian literature, creating suspense, compound words, anaphoric reference